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CAT 2025: Notification Exam Date Out, Syllabus, Pattern, Important Details

Welcome to our vibrant hub for the Common Admission Test (CAT)! Find everything you need, including notifications, syllabus, exam patterns, and key dates. Whether you're a first-timer or returning, we’re here to boost your preparation and you excel. Get ready to take your first step toward your dream business school!
CAT 2025 Highlights
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CAT 2025 Important Dates
CAT exam 2025 date is 30th November 2025, Sunday. CAT exam registration 2025 will start on 2nd Aug 2025 (Tentative) and end on 13th Sep 2025 (Tentative). Other important dates are mentioned in the table below
CAT 2025 Registration Process
The registration process for CAT is expected to begins on 1st August 2024 and candidates can apply for it through the official CAT website once the notification gets released and the registration link gets active. To successfully register for CAT 2024, applicants must know the stepwise process of how to fill out the CAT exam form.
How To Apply For CAT 2024?
Documents Required To Fill CAT 2024 Application Form:
Class 10th and 12th, Bachelor’s degree and/or higher education mark sheet.
List of IIM programs you wish to apply for.
If you belong to NC-OBC, SC, or ST category, download the caste certificate from the CAT Website, enter the required information, self-attest it, and upload its scanned copy as a PDF document.
If you belong to the PwD category, download the PwD certificate from the CAT website, fill it out, self-attest it, and upload its scanned copy as a PDF document.
The size of the photo (45 mm (height) x 30 mm (width))and signature (35 mm (height) x 80 mm (width)) must be Less than 80 KB and the correct format is .jpeg/ .jpg. Also, note that the Image Resolution must be 150 px/ inch.
How To Fill The CAT Application Form 2025
The step-by-step process of filling out the registration form online for the CAT Exam is given below.
CAT Registration
Submit the CAT Application Form
Pay Application Fee
Step 1: Registration For CAT 2025
To apply for the CAT exam 2025, the candidates will have to register on the official website. Follow the steps given below:
Open the official CAT website in a new window
Click on 'Register' under the 'New Candidate Registration' tab
Enter your name, date of birth, email ID, mobile phone number, and nationality
Click on the 'Generate OTP' tab
On successful registration, an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number
Verify CAT registration by entering the OTP in the given field
Step 2: Filling Up CAT Application Form
After verification, the candidate will receive a user ID and password on the registered email ID and mobile number. To fill out the form, log in again using the CAT 2024 user ID and password to access the application form.
The CAT application/registration form has six sections. Candidates are required to fill in relevant details on all the pages of the form for successful submission. The details related to the six sections of the CAT application form 2024 are as follows:
Personal Details: In this section of the CAT application form, the candidates are required to enter details such as name, date of birth, father’s name, category, gender, nationality, communication address, email ID, mobile phone number, etc.
Academic Details: In this section, the candidates have to enter class 10 and 12 exam scores, bachelor’s degree details and mark sheet, and details of other professional courses (if any)
Work Experience: If a candidate has relevant work experience, they need to fill in details such as the name of the company, duration, etc., in this section
Programmes: In this section, the candidates have to select the IIM institutes of their choice and the MBA programmes they wish to opt for
Test City: In this section, test city preference is to be marked. The candidates can select up to six cities in order of preference from one to six
CAT exam is conducted at multiple exam centers across India. The list of CAT exam 2025 test cities will be released along with the exam schedule. Candidates will be given the option to choose up to six cities for the allotment of the CAT 2024 test center.
Step 3: Payment Of CAT Registration Cum Application Fee
The third and last step in CAT registration is the payment of the application fee. After filling in all details in the first five sections, click on 'save and continue' to proceed to the fee payment window.
CAT 2025 Application Fee:
The CAT 2025 Application fee will be confirmed once the notification is released. Candidates can make online payments by any of the mentioned modes. Last year, the CAT exam registration fees were increased by 10%. Based on 2021, the application fee is as follows.
General/EWS/NC-OBC candidate Rs. 2500
SC/ST/PwD candidate Rs. 1250
How To Make Corrections in CAT 2024 Application Form?
After the window for correction in the application form opens again, log in using your ID and Password on the "Registered Candidate Login" page on the official CAT website and upload the new images (for photograph and signature) and change your test city if required.
CAT 2025 Exam Pattern
CAT Exam is conducted in an online mode and is a computer-based test. Until 2019, the CAT paper pattern used to be of 180 minutes or three hours (sectional time-limit of 60 minutes) and 100 questions but the CAT exam pattern was revised in 2020.
Now, the CAT exam pattern is of 120 minutes or two hours with a sectional time limit of 40 minutes. Earlier, the PwD candidates used to get 20 minutes extra in each section, but from 2020 onwards, they get only 13.20 minutes extra.
The CAT Exam is conducted in the English language only.
The exam has three sections- VARC, DILR, and QA
Candidates appearing for the CAT exam have to solve both MCQ and Non-MCQ questions.
There is a sectional time limit for each section.
There is a negative marking of 1 mark for every wrong answer, and every correct answer is 3 marks. Please note that there was no negative marking for TITA (Non-MCQs) questions.
CAT 2025 exam will be finalized on 30th November 2025 (Tentative). If the test continues to be for 2 hours, it is expected that last year's CAT exam pattern will be followed.
Total Questions
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Timing For Different Slots On The Exam Day
The CAT exam is conducted in several slots throughout the day. Until 2019, there used to be two slots of 3 hours each. Since 2020 the exam has been conducted in three slots of two hours or 120 minutes each (40 minutes per section). The following are the three sessions and test timings:
Slot 1- Morning session (8:30 am - 10:30 pm)
Slot 2- Afternoon session (12:30 pm - 2:30 pm)
Slot 3- Evening session (4:30 pm - 6:30 pm)
CAT Marking Scheme
The CAT exam has different marking schemes for MCQ and Non- MCQ questions. For every correct answer, 3 are awarded for both MCQs and Non-MCQs. A negative marking of one mark is only applicable for MCQ questions. There is no negative marking in CAT for TITA (Non- MCQ) questions.
CAT 2025 Exam Pattern
Text 1
Total Questions
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Timing For Different Slots On The Exam Day
The CAT exam is conducted in several slots throughout the day. Until 2019, there used to be two slots of 3 hours each. Since 2020 the exam has been conducted in three slots of two hours or 120 minutes each (40 minutes per section). The following are the three sessions and test timings:
Slot 1- Morning session (8:30 am - 10:30 pm)
Slot 2- Afternoon session (12:30 pm - 2:30 pm)
Slot 3- Evening session (4:30 pm - 6:30 pm)
CAT Marking Scheme
The CAT exam has different marking schemes for MCQ and Non- MCQ questions. For every correct answer, 3 are awarded for both MCQs and Non-MCQs. A negative marking of one mark is only applicable for MCQ questions. There is no negative marking in CAT for TITA (Non- MCQ) questions.
CAT 2025 Exam Syllabus
he CAT entrance exam syllabus consists of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability. There is no defined syllabus across the sections but based on previous year's papers and trends, given below is a refined list of topics that turn up in the exam.
Quantitative Ability Syllabus For CAT 2025
1. Time, Speed & Distance
2. Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns
3. Simple Interest & Compound Interest
4. Ratios, Proportions & Variations
5. Percentages, Profit & Loss, Discount
6. Averages, Mixtures & Allegations
1. Inequalities & Modulus
2. Functions & Graphs
3. Linear & Quadratic Equations
4. Polynomials
5. Logarithms
6. Algebraic Identities
7. Maxima Minima
Number Systems:
1. LCM and HCF
2. Divisibility Rules
3. Base Change
4. Finding the Unit's Place, Ten's Place of a number
5. Cyclicity, Number of trailing zeroes
6. Remainders
7. Prime Factorisation
8. Factorials
9. Indices & Surds
Check: Quant Formulae Cheat Sheet
Geometry & Mensuration:
1. Circles
2. Triangles
3. Polygons
4. Coordinate Geometry
5. Lines and Angles
6. Trigonometry
Modern Mathematics:
1. Permutations & Combinations
2. Probability
3. Set Theory (Including Venn Diagrams)
4. Binomial Theorem
5. Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic Progressions (Sequence & Series)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning Syllabus For CAT Exam 2025:
Data Interpretation:
1. Tables
2. Pie Charts
3. Bar Graphs
Logical Reasoning:
1. Number, Symbol, Letter Series
2. Coding-Decoding
3. Blood Relations & Family Tree
4. Directions
5. Binary Logic
6. Games & Tournaments
7. Linear & Circular Arrangements
8. Team Formations
9. Order & Ranking
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Syllabus For CAT 2025:
Verbal Ability:
1. Para jumbles (Tips)
2. Para Completion
3. Statements & Assumptions
4. Fill In The Blanks
5. Sentence Completion
Reading Comprehension:
1. Tone Of Writing (Tips)
2. Passages (Tips)
3. Logical Inferences Tree
How to Prepare for CAT 2025
The CAT entrance exam consists of three sections - VARC, DILR and QA. It is important to prepare for all three sections comprehensively.
Candidates preparing for CAT 2024 should have a complete understanding of the exam structure. The preparation phase is usually divided into three phases
1. Conceptual Clarity:
This phase of CAT preparation involves making a preparation plan, understanding all the concepts across the three sections, and knowing their applications. Developing calculation techniques, reading speed, vocabulary, problem-solving abilities, and different formats of puzzles, all of this form a part of this phase.
2. Regular Practice and Learning Shortcuts:
Consistent practice is required to become comfortable with the kind of questions in the mock tests. Consistency helps in developing new tricks to solve the questions, reducing the time limit per question, and helping in attaining better accuracy. In this phase, start developing a thorough understanding of their strengths and weaknesses to develop mock-taking strategies going ahead.
3. Mock Taking and Analysis:
This is the most crucial part of the preparation phase. Aspirants are advised to get a good and reliable CAT mock test series which gives them a great mix of questions and also a detailed analysis of their performance. Based on the analysis, aspirants can build on their performance and improve.
Section-wise Preparation Strategy For CAT 2024
How to analyse a Mock most effectively?
CAT Preparation Books:
Check out the best books for CAT exam preparation available to cover the entire CAT exam syllabus.
Quantitative Ability Books For CAT:
NCERT mathematics books (6-10)
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Verma
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha
Verbal Ability Books For CAT:
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension For The CAT by Nishit Sinha
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
High School Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
Read books from different genres
The ultimate key to improving your verbal ability is to read extensively and to read books from different genres. This ensures that you are able to sail through the reading comprehension section with great speed and understanding of the content.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Books For CAT:
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Agarwal
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT book by Arun Sharma
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT book by Arun Sharma
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha
Admit Card for CAT 2025
The admit card for CAT 2024 exam will be issued to registered candidates on the official website. It is expected to be tentatively released in the fourth week of October. The admit card is a mandatory document to be carried to the exam center. Given below is the process to download CAT admit card:
Open the IIMCAT website
Click on "CAT 2024 admit card"
Enter CAT ID and password
Go to the 'admit card' tab
Open the CAT 2024 admit card and download it as a PDF
Things To Carry On CAT 2024 Exam Day:
CAT admit card
Valid Identity Proof
Additional photograph
Self-declaration issued with CAT admit card
Covid safety-related items such as sanitizer, face masks, etc.
Name change document (If Required)
Medical Certificate & Scribe Affidavit (If Required)
Things Not Allowed On CAT 2024 Exam Day:
Calculator, watch, phone, iPad, or any other electronic item
Eatables and beverages
Bags and purses
Metal jewellery and accessories
Jackets and clothes with pockets
Footwear with thick soles
Check the test day guidelines for CAT 2024 by here
CAT 2025 Result
Based on the past year's trends, the CAT result date is expected to fall in the first week of January 2026. CAT result is released in the form of a scorecard and applicants can log in to the official CAT website to access it.
The CAT result scorecard contains each candidate's sectional scaled scores and percentile. The scaled scores are normalized raw scores, based on the difficulty level of the slot he/she had appeared for and the scores of the top scorers in that slot.
CAT Response Key:
The CAT 2024 response sheet will be released on, in the first few days of December 2024. Candidates can log in and download the CAT response sheet which includes the questions asked, the applicant’s response to it, and also the answer key. Based on this, candidates will be able to calculate the raw score, estimate the percentile and prepare for the CAT results.
CAT 2025 FAQ
What is the syllabus for the IPMAT exam?The IPMAT exam syllabus typically includes: Quantitative Aptitude (QA): Topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation. Verbal Ability (VA): Areas like reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence completion.
Eligiblity for IPMATAny body who is below age of 20 and 60 percent in his /her 12th cam apply for IPMAT and even if you have appeared for your board you can apply for it. But your score should be more than 60 when result is declared.
How to apply for IPMAT?Visit the Site of IIM indore and follow steps by steps process there.
Is there any coaching available for IPMAT in Indore?Yes, there are several coaching centers available for IPMAT in Indore, Headache Tutorials being one of the most prominent and successful ones.
What makes Headache Tutorials the best IPMAT coaching in Indore?Headache Tutorials stands out due to: Expert faculty members with years of experience in coaching IPMAT aspirants. Comprehensive study materials and mock tests that mirror the actual exam pattern. Personalized attention and doubt-clearing sessions. Impressive track record of student success in the IPMAT exam.
Is online coaching available for IPMAT in Indore?Yes, Headache Tutorials offers online coaching for IPMAT, providing flexible learning options for students who prefer remote learning or cannot attend in-person classes.
What is the success rate of students from Headache Tutorials in the IPM entrance exam?Headache Tutorials boasts a high success rate in the IPMAT exam, with a significant number of our students securing top ranks and gaining admission to IIM Indore's prestigious IPM program.
Which is the best IPMAT coaching in Indore?Headache Tutorials is widely regarded as the best IPMAT coaching in Indore due to its experienced faculty, comprehensive study materials, and high success rate of students.
What subjects are covered in IPMAT coaching at Headache Tutorials, Indore?The subjects covered in IPMAT coaching at Headache Tutorials include: Quantitative Aptitude (QA) Verbal Ability (VA) Logical Reasoning (LR) Data Interpretation (DI)
Does Headache Tutorials provide coaching for the Integrated Program in Management offered by IIM Indore?Yes, Headache Tutorials specializes in providing coaching for the Integrated Program in Management (IPM) offered by IIM Indore. Our curriculum is designed to align with the IPMAT exam requirements.
Are there any classroom-based coaching classes available for IPM at Headache Tutorials in Indore?Yes, we offer classroom-based coaching classes for IPM at our Indore center. Our state-of-the-art classrooms are equipped with all necessary facilities to provide a conducive learning environment.
How do I enroll in the IPMAT coaching classes at Headache Tutorials?To enroll in the IPMAT coaching classes at Headache Tutorials, you can: Visit our official website and fill out the enrollment form. Visit our coaching center in Indore for direct enrollment. Contact our support team for assistance with the registration process.
Personalized consultation to kickstart your MBA ENTRANCE preparation
What is the syllabus for the IPMAT exam?The IPMAT exam syllabus typically includes: Quantitative Aptitude (QA): Topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation. Verbal Ability (VA): Areas like reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence completion.
Eligiblity for IPMATAny body who is below age of 20 and 60 percent in his /her 12th cam apply for IPMAT and even if you have appeared for your board you can apply for it. But your score should be more than 60 when result is declared.
How to apply for IPMAT?Visit the Site of IIM indore and follow steps by steps process there.
Is there any coaching available for IPMAT in Indore?Yes, there are several coaching centers available for IPMAT in Indore, Headache Tutorials being one of the most prominent and successful ones.
What makes Headache Tutorials the best IPMAT coaching in Indore?Headache Tutorials stands out due to: Expert faculty members with years of experience in coaching IPMAT aspirants. Comprehensive study materials and mock tests that mirror the actual exam pattern. Personalized attention and doubt-clearing sessions. Impressive track record of student success in the IPMAT exam.
Is online coaching available for IPMAT in Indore?Yes, Headache Tutorials offers online coaching for IPMAT, providing flexible learning options for students who prefer remote learning or cannot attend in-person classes.
What is the success rate of students from Headache Tutorials in the IPM entrance exam?Headache Tutorials boasts a high success rate in the IPMAT exam, with a significant number of our students securing top ranks and gaining admission to IIM Indore's prestigious IPM program.
Which is the best IPMAT coaching in Indore?Headache Tutorials is widely regarded as the best IPMAT coaching in Indore due to its experienced faculty, comprehensive study materials, and high success rate of students.
What subjects are covered in IPMAT coaching at Headache Tutorials, Indore?The subjects covered in IPMAT coaching at Headache Tutorials include: Quantitative Aptitude (QA) Verbal Ability (VA) Logical Reasoning (LR) Data Interpretation (DI)
Does Headache Tutorials provide coaching for the Integrated Program in Management offered by IIM Indore?Yes, Headache Tutorials specializes in providing coaching for the Integrated Program in Management (IPM) offered by IIM Indore. Our curriculum is designed to align with the IPMAT exam requirements.
Are there any classroom-based coaching classes available for IPM at Headache Tutorials in Indore?Yes, we offer classroom-based coaching classes for IPM at our Indore center. Our state-of-the-art classrooms are equipped with all necessary facilities to provide a conducive learning environment.
How do I enroll in the IPMAT coaching classes at Headache Tutorials?To enroll in the IPMAT coaching classes at Headache Tutorials, you can: Visit our official website and fill out the enrollment form. Visit our coaching center in Indore for direct enrollment. Contact our support team for assistance with the registration process.

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